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Spiced Chhas


Spiced Chhas/Buttermilk is a common summer drink in an Indian household. A glass of this can keep you hydrated throughout the day and helps with digestion. Although all Indian households have a different recipe for their chhas, this one has a little twist to give you an extra punch of flavour. This is best enjoyed chilled and after lunch.


  • 1 cup plain thick yogurt

  • 2 cups water, * 1 teaspoon roasted cumin, crushed coarsely

  • 7 mint leaves

  • 5 to 6 sprigs of coriander leaves

  • Salt and sugar based on your preference

  • 1-inch fresh ginger peeled and roughly chopped

  • 1 green chilies, slit in half and seeds removed


  • Add everything in a blender. Blend it smooth. Strain it if you want smoother texture.

  • Pour in a jar, you can add more chilli’s if you like it spicier. * Enjoy it cold with few ice cubes.

  • Let us know how you like your chhas using#spicyvegetarians.



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